Friday 14 May 2010

What Went Well?

The movie itself turned out ok, we got a few camera shots in, mainly low ones a high one and a few distant ones. The length of the film comes to 2 minutes 35 seconds including credits. It went mostly to plan but we did add extra scenes that were not planned, they fit in well with the overall clip and came to us naturally.

I managed to get some music and sound effects which really help reinforce the action of the clip, it makes it feel more epic and intense.

By using our surroundings i was able to get some nice camera shots in, the picture at the top was taken from the top of a slide at a park, it is almost like a crane shot.

What Didn’t Go So Well

The sound for the characters was recorder using the video camera, so in scenes where it is far away the actors had to shout. It would have been better if we either had better audio recording hardware or dubbed voice clips over the top of the video. Because the video was filmed late, I did not get many different locations in. A better location would have made the video better. Perhaps an actual office for the headquarters of the CIA would have made it more believable.
The screenplay contains more action than dialogue this is something i was worried about. By turning the clip into a film trailer it works ok though.
I would of liked to have got sound effects into the movie but i could not figure out how to do it. I think it would helped display the action in the movie.
Some of the camera angles were hard to perfom because of the condition my leg is currently in. The camera is often shakey and that is partly because of my leg. We did not have a tripod or any other device, perhaps we could of tied it to something.

What I Would Do Differently Next Time

Start recording the film earlier and have a better plan, so the film looks more like how the documents planned it. I would also do more research into video clips of a similar nature and use better sound recording. I would like to get more locations in next time, use more and better props. Possibly costumes too. Make the mise en scene better, to make the video more believable. My video requires a lot of imagination from the viewer.
I would also probably make a better plot (that actually makes sense) with better scripts and pre production.